The YVHS Symphonic Band is a traditional concert band/wind ensemble. It is open to all students on campus who play a traditional band instrument. Other non-traditional (i.e.: guitar, electric/string bass, violin, etc.) may be included at the discretion of the director. The Symphonic Band rehearses and performs standard band literature selected by the director. Rehearsals occur primarily during the school day. Sectional rehearsals and/or evening rehearsals may be called by the director if necessary. The group performs a minimum of three times each year: a Holiday Concert in December, a Combined Concert with TPHS in February/March and a Spring Concert in May. Additional activities have included participation in “Disney’s Magic Music Days,” “Festivals of Music” Competitions and concert band competitions. Members from the Symphonic Band often audition for and are selected to be participants in the San Bernardino County Music Educators Association (SBCMEA) High Desert Honor Band each winter.